Tonight at Curiosity Club: Illustrating Recipes By Hand
Posted on 29 September 2015
Tonight at Hand-Eye Supply's Curiosity Club we get a feast of information and art! Marcella Kriebel will share the story of how her cookbook, Mi Comida Latinacame to be. From learning recipes as she traveled, to designing page layout on a light table, Marcella's book began as a project intended for family and friends. She will discuss her art practice, her interest in illustrating recipes and her experience producing a hardback book in the USA thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign. Her book is now available nationwide through Burgess Lea Press. Starts 6pm PST at the Hand-Eye Supply store and streaming on the Curiosity Club homepage!
Marcella Kriebel is an artist from Forest Grove, Oregon. After obtaining a degree in studio art and Anthropology, she left the Pacific Northwest to intern at the Smithsonian American Art Musuem. She spent two years as an art installation technician and upon losing her job, she turned her attention to making art full time. In addition to custom design and illustration, Marcella maintains her Etsy shop, Rabbitduck Workshop and markets her work wholesale and retail at a variety of venues. She continues to live and work in Washington, DC.