Tonight at Curiosity Club: 120 Years of Buckminster Fuller
Posted on 21 July 2015
Everybody loves Bucky, but what did his visionary work really produce? At tonight's Curiosity Club author and archivist Trevor Blake will open that question and likely leave us with more. His talk, "Buckminster Fuller At 120" starts at 6pm PT at the Hand-Eye Supply shop, and streams on the Curiosity Club homepage!

July 12, 2015 would have been R. Buckminster Fuller's 120th birthday. The man who tried to live fifty years in the future died nearly forty years ago. What did Fuller do during his life, what did he predict about the future, and what are the prospects for humanity? This presentation includes the chance to see many rare Fuller artifacts and publications.
Trevor Blake is the author of "The Buckminster Fuller Bibliography" and "The Lost Inventions of Buckminster Fuller." He owns the largest private collection of printed material by and about Fuller in the world, a multi-ton resource open to the public by appointment. Mr. Blake's research was used in the reconstruction of Fuller's Dymaxion Car, and he is a member of the Buckminster Fuller Institute.